Late Summer & Damp: Spleen health tips
Right now where I live, we find ourselves well into the season of Late Summer. As I write this, a summer storm has barrelled through and all I can hear is pouring [...]
Right now where I live, we find ourselves well into the season of Late Summer. As I write this, a summer storm has barrelled through and all I can hear is pouring [...]
With the Lunar New Year festival ending on this coming full moon (and the recent flipping over into the new Gregorian year of 2025), I've been reflecting on new beginnings - [...]
The "Triangle Breath" is such a simple, easy and effective technique, that can be utilised at any time that you'd like some more grounding and calm - I often practice [...]
This post was originally written for, and published by, QENDO. Thank you QENDO for your wonderful and important work in endometriosis support and awareness. Although endometriosis as a “condition” was only [...]
As promised, I'm going to start introducing some acupressure points that you can use at home for better health and wellbeing. Acupressure points are the same as acupuncture points, but instead of [...]
In recent years, conventional science and medicine has been rediscovering what Chinese Medicine has discussed for thousands of years - that the mind and body are inseparable, and that imbalances or [...]
Prevention is better than treatment, and so knowing how to stay healthy by keeping the immune system resilient is always relevant. While talk of boosting immunity may have some of us reaching [...]
Don’t get me wrong: regular movement is one of the foundations of good health, and Qi Gong (a gentle exercise that links movement with breath) is an important part of the [...]
One of the more common questions asked by patients is "what can I eat?". Food is an important part of healing, and it is interesting to note the differences between the Chinese [...]